Busy Isn’t As Cool As You Think

Gosh, if there was ever a word I put in these weekly writings that was more relevant for me at the time. Vikruti… it’s a concept from Ayurvedic medicine, and for some time now I’ve gotten to know it rather personally. Too personally...

In fact, I wanted to use this week's writing to announce that this will be the last Monday Mantra from me for a little while. 

The reason for this is due to something that I think many of us suffer from, and for me has presented too big a warning sign to continue what I’ve been doing. 

I hope this last mantra for the time being can be of some help to you if you are dealing with something similar in your life.

By the way, a partner of mine, Nina Shah has a writing series where she teaches about applying Ayurvedic lessons in our life. If you’re interested, it’s called Into Balance, with Omkar.

What I was reminded of in an Ayurvedic Cleanse Nina led for my community a couple months back, and what has continued to prove evident since then, is that my energetic self is in need of a cleanse.

I have shared this many times before— that I have long struggled to find balance between my desire to do, and do, and do more, and my desire to be grounded and still. I have yet to find the common ground between doing and being. 

In those moments when I am feeling rested, at peace, calm… I am suddenly jolted awake by a realization that I forgot to do XYZ, or that the garden needs watering, the dogs need walking, I need to run and teach a class.

I know the remedy to this pattern— in fact, I coach many people in similar situations. The antidote for this distracted busyness is planning ahead, prioritizing, creating boundaries around work, and establishing routines that eventually become rituals. But ironically, I don’t have time for all that…

For me, I have “busied” myself for so long because it’s where I feel most at home. My “busy” means I’ve prioritized my life and some really important things may not have made the cut— like friends, family, connection, stillness, and self-care.

“Busy” is a really good disguise of our Western culture. Somewhere in the past 10-20 years it became really cool to say “I’m so busy.” 

Well, lately I’ve discovered that maybe busy isn’t so cool after all. 

So that is why I’ve decided to take some time off… from everything. No more saying I'm going to slow down, but never actually doing it.

I am going to sit with some things I haven’t sat with. I am going to try and see Dee beneath the “busy” veil.

In your own way, though maybe not as extreme, you can join me in pressing the reset button, finding stillness and reconnecting. In practicing letting go of our dear friend, “Busy.”

Question for you— Do you ever remember calling your grandmother and her telling you she’s too busy to talk? What about your mother, even? 

I certainly don’t. Yet there have been countless times I have pulled the “I’m too busy” card on them. It’s a shame, really. I’m looking forward to coming back soon, refreshed. And with my priorities a little (hopefully a lot) more in order. 

I will see you then.

With Love,



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