Feel Connection, Give Support

The lyrics to Bill Withers’ song “Lean on Me” always reaffirm to me that we cannot do this life alone. “Lean on me, when you’re not strong, I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you carry on.”

We need to feel connected to others. Supported by others. And, we need to be able to reciprocate that feeling. This is especially important in new habit formation and bad habit dissolution. The ever-present cycle of starting over, and over.

I feel like a bit of an expert on the importance of connection...I’ve moved 38 times in my 55 years. Spending countless hours alone - starting over - again. But from this pain of aloneness came my purpose - to connect people. It has become my mission through yoga, fitness classes, health coaching, and now my Total Wellness Program, which a handful of you wonderful people have embarked on with each other. We are all in this life soup together. We need each other to reflect back our goodness, to assure us we are not crazy for thinking XYZ, to support us through loss and to celebrate our victories and rites of passage. 

This week, let’s count on each other— and hold each other accountable— for sticking with one new habit. For my Total Wellness people, we’ll be addressing this in our classes and meetings. For others of you, whether you’re taking one of my classes or not, I want you to find someone to support you in a new habit. And tell me about it! (See the form at the bottom to help you out!)

Fun Fact— The Okinawans, the longest living and thriving people on earth, knew about this “connection” thing. To this day, they are assigned to ‘Moai’s’ at a young age. This is a group of 5 children that make a lifelong commitment to each other. As their second family, they provide varying support from social, financial, health or spiritual interests. Some Moai’s have existed for over 90 years!

Imagine coming together regularly with quality friends to cry, laugh and share. This is what gives us a life of meaning. If we’ve learned anything from COVID it is that we need one another. Lean on people around you for help. Let them lend you a hand and, in turn, you can do the same for them. 

“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” 

— Les Brown

Share how YOU would like to find connection by helping others…


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Further Learning

See what Harvard research suggests about the importance of meaningful relationships for better emotional, mental, and physical health. Sign in to my community platform to view.


Aim To Be 1% Better


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