Your Energy on Gratitude

Thanksgiving is, by far, my favorite holiday.  I love the food, the friends, the family but most of all, I love that an entire day has been dedicated to “giving thanks.” 

As one of the lottery winners of this life (and chances are, if you’re reading this, you are too), I have A LOT to be thankful for.

I have been taught many lessons about gratitude over the years— but what the past few years in particular have taught me is that, living in gratitude, no matter the circumstances, will bring you to a higher place. 

What I mean is that, when I take inventory of my good fortune, the talents and strengths I possess, my health, my kids, where I live, the opportunities I’ve been given, and even the lessons I’ve learned, I’m in a different realm of consciousness.

A realm where I find happiness, joy, acceptance and peace. 

I like hanging out here.

“Consciousness is your beliefs, emotions, and thoughts, resulting in how you show up in this world and how you behave and act. “
- Hedi Schafer

Let me show you what I’m referring to. In David R. Hawkins' book, “Letting Go” he explains our energy states in connection with our various levels of consciousness. (continue reading below)


Dr. Hawkins (1927 - 2012) was a psychiatrist and best-selling author.  He was convinced that spirituality could help heal people and thus this planet.

During his 20 years of research, Dr. Hawkins used muscle testing and conducted more than 250,000 calibrations to define a range of values, attitudes, and emotions that correspond to levels of consciousness.

This range of values— along with a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1,000— became the Map of Consciousness, which Dr. Hawkins first wrote about in his New York Times bestseller, Power vs. Force. 


As we look at this scale, we can see that when we are in more positive energy states, we have a higher vibrational energy field.  We are actually stronger in this  “expanded” state. 

In his book, David R. Hawkins explains that courage is the tipping point. 

When we have the courage to do the thing we don’t want to do, but we do it anyway, we expand our energy out of a contracted, victim-like state into an open-hearted, open-minded state of love, reason, joy and acceptance.  

It is my belief that when we possess the courage to switch our mindset from a place of “lack” into a place of “abundance” by acknowledging and expressing gratitude, we also expand our consciousness.

So this Thanksgiving, my invitation to you is:

Study this scale and start to identify where your energy resides.  Note what energy frequency you're bringing to the party.

Are you showing up this Thanksgiving with guilt, shame, anger, pride?  In a lower energetic space that takes everyone down with you? 

OR, will you have the courage to make the choice to boost your energy and your consciousness?


Start by taking inventory of the many gifts you have been given in this lifetime.  Take all the hardship, struggle, sadness and realize the gift in each.  Start to notice the shift in your mindset.  Allow that stronger mindset to give you the courage to show up this Thanksgiving as the person you want to be— living in peace, joy, love and acceptance.

By being your best self and living your best life— rooted in grace and gratitude— you give others the permission and energy to do the same. 


Let your mantra this week be:  I am grateful for this life I’ve been given with all of its lessons, struggles, and challenges, for they are my greatest teachers. 


Stay In Alignment


Getting Past Yourself