Commit to Strong Body, Strong Mind


As the pandemic is (hopefully) winding down and things are returning to what I hope is a new, improved normal, I’m so grateful for the past 16 months. As difficult as it has been to be furloughed, laid off, and eventually let go from several jobs, I feel fortunate. You see, I have had the extraordinary privilege of exercising, philosophizing, sharing, breathing, cooking and fasting with an extraordinary group of women from all over the US. 

My dream came to me the day after the pandemic hit. I wanted to create a supportive workout community that also wanted to learn about yoga and yoga philosophy. I wanted to de-mystify and return yoga to its roots of a practice to calm the mind. I wanted to show that yoga can be an excellent way to stay in shape. I also knew that this sudden curveball in life would teach me many lessons— and could bring people together over a major shared experience. This, too, would be part of our new yoga. And so we began.

We literally began on Zoom the first week things began to shut down in March of 2020.

What began as a yoga hybrid class, quickly morphed into a HIIT class and then a combo of Pilates, strength training, cardio and yoga. It has blossomed into a mindful exercise class that changes as we get stronger. Then we added online retreats with guest instructors to teach us about cooking, naturopathic medicine and hormone balancing, essential oils and acupuncture, clean living and much more. This weekly blog I bring you today evolved out of those retreats, and we even added a monthly Inspirational Book Club. Our latest endeavor was an Ayurvedic cleanse to detoxify our bodies.

My dream to use this time of the pandemic to cultivate strong, resilient bodies and minds has come to fruition!  

This group has bonded and grown closer even though they are spread out over San Diego, Chicago, Houston, Colorado, Northern California and Orange County. 

Why am I telling you about all this? Because while the pandemic may be coming to an end, we are still going strong. I want YOU to become part of this special group, no matter where you are in your health/wellness journey. What makes this group so great is we come from all levels of experience— with yoga, working out, and expanding our minds to new ideas for aging more gracefully. We are an inclusive bunch that will welcome you with strong, open arms - very strong arms.  

If you are looking for meaningful exercise, authentic connection with others, and an experience you will get nowhere else online, please join us. OR, maybe you haven’t been looking for something like this in the least…  which is why I’m offering the first month to you at no charge so you can try something completely new (yes, this group is a little bit about getting uncomfortable, too). Maybe this is the commitment to you you’ve been needing to make for a while now?

Please explore my newest offering, created with the goal of committing to strong body, strong mind, using the button below.


Connect to Your Roots of Passion and Purpose


Rewrite Your Story